Saturday, April 7, 2012

Thoughts on the TEK Robotic Mobilization Device from a Wheelchair User

Credit goes to Christina Golm for posting this link on the ALFA facebook page:

But after seeing this video, there was no way I could NOT write a blog post about it.  This robotic mobilization device seems revolutionary.  Of course, it probably costs thousands of dollars, and isn't covered under most, or any, insurance policies, but the independence it could give to wheelchair users!  I immediately thought of myself, or another person in a wheelchair in a library.  This device would make it so as the disabled patron could get that book on the very top shelf without asking for assistance.  And not only could they GET the book on the top shelf, they can now actually see the books available on the top shelf.  For me, as a librarian, this means that I could shelve books with more ease, work with patrons at an eye-to-eye level; the ability to be able to stand up gives the current wheelchair user so much more freedom.  Plus, it gives the user the freedom to sit down if need be.  If a library patron wants to go from looking at books to spending time on the computer, that would not be a problem!  You can sit and stand with ease.

Now, I certainly don't need this device as much as a paraplegic person would, as I can stand with assistance, but I would love to see this product become more available to the general public soon!  It would not only be of great benefit in libraries, but as the video shows, it would also be of benefit in bathrooms, cooking in the kitchen, in grocery stores.  For a paraplegic mom who has children, it would be helpful in a nursery, with picking a baby or young child up out of a crib, or changing diapers.

Basically, this device is just really cool, and I cannot tell you how enthusiastic I am about what it can do! :)

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