Sunday, March 18, 2012

A Keyboard

I was recently at Bellevue Elementary in Bellevue, MI talking to 4th and 5th graders about my book.  While I had some free time, I looked around the computer lab where I was speaking and found this keyboard.

Now, while this keyboard is meant for children learning how to type, it struck me how beneficial this keyboard could also be for someone who is visually impaired or losing their sight.  All of the numbers are red, all of the function keys are green, all of the punctuation/symbol keys are orange, all of the consonants are dark blue, and all of the vowels are light blue.  For someone who cannot see the letters on the keys, they may still be able to see the color; and if they are familiar with the typical QWERTY keyboard, they might just be able to figure out where the keys are based on this color coding.  Also, even if the person cannot differentiate between colors, the size of the letters and numbers on these keys are much larger than that of a standard keyboard, making them easier to see.  Plus this keyboard is Mac and Windows compatible, so it does not matter which operating system the visually impaired person has, this keyboard would work for them!

Just a thought!

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