Monday, December 5, 2011


This semester has opened my eyes, and I am seeing the Library and Information Science profession as I've never seen it before.  This is a good thing!  I knew that being a librarian was much more than reading books and telling patrons to be quiet.  But I am especially enamored with how much I've learned about technology this semester.  I feel as though, already, I can confidently go into a job and use my newfound computer skills to enhance the library experience for not only the patrons, but for my fellow co-workers, as well.  Now, I know that I've still got a lot to learn, so the thought of being a tech-wiz may be a bit of an exaggeration.  However, this semester has taught me skills that I know I will be able to apply to my future career.

As for technology with regards to Universal Access, I know I'll be learning more about that next semester.  However, from what I've learned already, I can only see the benefits of implementing accessible technology (such as screen readers, braille readers) in the library setting.

Overall, I am pleased with how the semester turned out, and I am excited to see what future semesters hold in store.

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