Sunday, December 4, 2011

Universal Access: What is it?

The concept of Universal Access is something that should be considered not just in the Library and Information Science field.  All public places should provide various types of access so that people with varying disabilities can use these public facilities to their fullest extent.  Universal Access is what sounds like, access for all, keeping all of the different of the types of challenges people face in mind.

However, within the Library and Information Science field, Universal Access is something that should definitely be thought of.  Many libraries are older, and have characteristics that make it harder for disabled person to access the building, such as steps to get to the front door, or to get to various levels of the library.  Without a ramp or an elevator, these physical barriers are very damaging for the library, as it inhibits those who have physical disabilities from coming to the library.

But physical barriers in a library are not the only barriers that could be fixed.  For the visually impaired, the library could offer a variety of braille books, or audio books.  Also, library computers could have screen-reading software installed on them so that a visually impaired patron can easily have access to computers and enhance the information they can obtain from their library visit.

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